As the world blossoms and stretches around us, LIVE From London Spring opens your metaphorical door to a cornucopia of concert treats celebrating love, new life and hope. Blossoming from Valentine’s Day through Passiontide, International Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, and culminating in a flourishing of creativity for Earth Day, the festival sows seeds for a summer of re-growth.
From The Passing of the Year with Jonathan Dove and VOCES8, Paul Smith’s family concert creation The Winter House with Stephen Fry and the Academy of Ancient Music, to I Fagiolini’s Re-Wilding The Waste Land, the festival features a stunning line-up of ensembles and soloists opening vistas to fresh, new landscapes whilst also treading the much-loved paths of works such as Bach B Minor Mass, Barber Dover Beach, Allegri Miserere and Fauré Requiem.
“Some of my most enjoyable musical moments of the lockdown came from the online festival of choral music, ‘LIVE From London’
Including Stile Antico, Dame Emma Kirkby, the English Chamber Orchestra, Jason Max Ferdinand, VOCES8, Rachel Podger, Apollo5, Academy of Ancient Music and I Fagiolini; additions to the festival family include star pianist Joanna MacGregor in her new programme Soul of a Woman, the Carducci Quartet, Jonathan Dove and a host of superb soloists including Carolyn Sampson, Iestyn Davies, Jeremy Budd, Matthew Brook and Frederick Long.
LIVE From London Spring celebrates young talent, community and diversity and includes the world premieres of new commissions by Joanna Marsh, Shruthi Rajasekar and Ben Rowarth, and new arrangements of Nina Simone, Eleanor Alberga and Mary Lou Williams by Joanna MacGregor. The festival is filmed live from VOCES8’s stunning church and from venues across the world. LIVE From London is designed to reunite the world’s many musicians and audiences with much needed concerts, and to raise money for artists, venues, choirs and festivals to cover C-19 losses.
Watch all ten concerts live or On Demand from 13 February until 30 April 2021 (all performances 7pm GMT) – come and join us “mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with Spring rain.” (T.S.Eliot).
13th Feb – Voces8 & Jonathan Dove
14th Feb – Apollo5
21st Feb – Stile Antico
28th Feb – CARDUCCI QUARTET – with Frederick Long (Bass-Baritone)
7th Mar – Joanna Macgregor
14th Mar – Dame Emma Kirkby & Friends
28th Mar – Jason Max Ferdinand Singers
2nd April – Fabre Requiem – English Chamber Orchestra et al.
4th April – Bach Mass in B minor – Academy of Ancient Music et al.
22nd April – I Fagiolini
Please buy your season tickets here – all proceeds support the festival musicians, education and diversity projects: